Mathematical modeling in materials science of electronic components | VI International сonference

VI International сonference

Mathematical modeling in materials science of electronic components





The conference will be held online and offline at Vavilov st. 40, Conference Room (3rd level), Moscow, Russia on October 21-23, 2024.

Link to the online conference will be sent to registered participants

To take part in the conference, Participant must send an abstract and filled submission form to until October 3. Foreign offline attendants have to register before September 25, 2024 (additional time is needed to issue the pass).

To attend the conference as a listener, Participant must register by sending submission form until October 18. Foreign offline attendants have to register before September 25, 2024.

Authors presenting their work at conference are cordially invited to contribute an Original Paper or Topical Review to the Conference Proceedings, sending the text and filled submission form and a document confirming the possibility of publishing in open press to the e-mail address

The publication must reflect the relevance, novelty, purpose, procedure and research results, conclusions. The text of the publication must include the title, short annotation and keywords.

Example (in Russian).

Texts of articles for publication in journals should be sent for review before November 1.

Abstracts and full-text articles are accepted in Microsoft Word format. Abstract should be up to three full pages of A4. The article should be 6-7 pages. Design rules: margins on all sides 25 mm, font Times New Roman, size 12pt, one line and a half spacing. Formulas should be typed in Microsoft Equation or MathType.

Template for poster section.

The admission fee for participants from Russia and the CIS is 4,800 rubles (including VAT 750 rubles), for post graduate students and accompanying persons — 3000 rubles (including VAT 500 rubles), students from the registration fee are exempt. For full-time participants who pay for participation from personal funds, the amount of all payments is reduced by the value of VAT. Payment in the case of absentee participation includes the cost of publishing the abstracts of a single report in the conference proceedings and amounts to 2,400 rubles (including VAT 400 rubles) for all categories of participants.

The admission fee must be payed before October 17. Payment details (in Russian):

ООО «Интеллектуальное кольцо»
ИНН/КПП 5047149206/504701001

Р/с 40702810200020002847 в ПАО АКБ "АВАНГАРД", Г. МОСКВА
К/с 30101810000000000201
БИК 044525201

Назначение платежа:
За участие в конференции МММЭК-2024. НДС не облагается.

To conclude a contract, write to:


  • FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS
  • CMC MSU (Moscow State University Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics)
  • MERI (Molecular Electronics Research Institute)
  • Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Fundamental problems of the element base of information-computational and control systems and materials for their creation"
  • Consortium "Perspective materials and element base of information and computing systems"


The release of the Conference Materials is planned, with placement in the RSCI and assignment of DOI.

The best works will be published in a special issue of the journal Izvestiya Vuzov. Materials of electronic equipment for 2024 (VAK). Articles submitted before September 1 will be published in issue 3. Articles sent later will be published in issue 4.

Some of them will be published in Russian Microelectronics and (B) journals (WoS, Scopus).

Conference topics

1Modern problems in producing a research infrastructure for the synthesis of novel materials with desired properties, including the use of new methods and tools for analyzing big data
Quantum Technologies. Problems of quantum modeling.2
3Mathematical modeling in structural materials science (multi-level, multi-scale models, simulation models, etc.)
Simulation of various (dimensional, radiation, surface and etc.) defects in semiconductor electronics.4
5Simulation the operation modes of multi-level memory elements for next-generation information processing systems.
Modeling the structure and properties of constructive materials for electronic components production including composite materials with nanocrystals, nanoclusters, nano-amorphous, etc. inclusions.6
7Problems of ensuring the reliability of electronic components of microelectronics and systems based on it.
Mathematical modeling methods in photonics.8

Invited Speakers

Prof. Dr. Sobolev N.A., University of Aveiro, Portugal

Corresponding Member RAS Dvurechenskii A.V., Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS

Prof. Dr. Vasilevskiy M.I., University of Minho, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Petrov P., Imperial Colledge London, Great Britain

Scientific programme of events

Program Committee


Academician RAS Evtushenko Y.G., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Abgaryan K.K., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Program Committee:

Academician RAS Krasnikov G.Y., JSC MERI, Zelenograd, Russia

Academician RAS Sokolov I.A., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding Member RAS Gornev E.S., JSC MERI, Zelenograd, Russia

Corresponding Member RAS Dvurechenskii A.V., ISP SO RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Corresponding Member RAS Kveder V.V., ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia

Corresponding Member RAS Lukichev V.F., PTIAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding Member RAS Flerov Y.A., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences Gamkrelidze S.A., IUHFSE RAS, Moscow, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences Zakharov V.N., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences Zatsarinny A.A., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Italyantsev A.G., JSC MERI, Zelenograd, Russia

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Reviznikov D.L., MAI, Moscow, Russia

Prof. Dr. Sobolev N.A., University of Aveiro, Portugal

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Tishkin V.F., IAM RAS, Moscow, Russia

Organizing Committee


Doctor of Technical Sciences Zatsarinny A.A., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Abgaryan K.K., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Organizing Committee:

Doctor of Technical Sciences Kharchenko V.A., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Physical and Mathematical Sciences Bazhanov D.I., MSU, Faculty of Physics, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Physical and Mathematical Sciences Zagordan N.L., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Physical and Mathematical Sciences Zanaveskin M.L., NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kolbin I.S., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Physical and Mathematical Sciences Morozov A.Yu., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Technical Sciences Telminov O.A., JSC MERI, Zelenograd, Russia

Ph.D., Technical Sciences Stepchenkov Y.A., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia

Ph.D., Technical Sciences Gavrilov E.S., MAI, Moscow, Russia

Sechenyh P.A., FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia